E-KTP: A Mega Project that Leaves Wounds - M. Abdul Rohman, SE, M.Sc(candidat)

E-KTP: A Mega Project that Leaves Wounds

This study uses social media twitter data to explain the perceptions of the attitude of the Indonesian people throughout Indonesia. Ideally the  function of the e-KTP is for the data collection of the Indonesian population to become more uniform within the implementation, residents may only have 1 e-KTP, this electronic ID card is valid for a lifetime, and only needs to make it once (Widiastuti, 2018). This card is also a condition for official registration as an Indonesian citizen (Teory Demography). But in reality the e-KTP actually saves various problems like Indonesian people starting from bureaucracy (Ermita, 2019) to corruption cases that drag the names of Indonesian public figures (Nurdin & Triyono, 2018). The result of this problem has reduced the value of public trust in the government. So that the government's efforts to improve the image of the e-KTP policy are very necessary to guide the sustainability of this policy. Twitter data that was successfully taken from this study amounted to 1400 cases. In this twitter the community can issue a lot of complaining about the problem, because it is a complaint against the e-KTP service. Many topics are discussed through social media ranging from manufacturing to cases raised in national news.

Based on the results of this twitter data collection,
keywords that appear all tweets on twitter about the following cases

Source: Twitter data taken on February 18, 2019 at 06.00
The corruption case is the main trending in the discussion of e-KTP issues in Indonesia, another problem is a matter of recording, the sensation of the KPK, too reckless, NIK numbers that are duplicated and so on. One quote from a Twitter user states:
"Want to take an e-ID card really hard :( The 2-time period always runs out of queue numbers😔😔anonym "()

This gives us an idea from the upstream e-KTP project that it is difficult to take e-KTP down to corruption cases that happened to many political figures, conversations about KTP problems were spread in several regions in Indonesia, although it was dominated in Java, however the problem of e-KTP was felt thoroughly in several regions in Indonesia. not only the service of government behavior in managing e-KTP is also improved, among others in cases of corruption, so that Indonesia's efforts to make good governance increase in the world will be more easily achieved
Ermita, T. (2019) Pathology of Bureaucracy in E-Services -KTP in the East Kutai District Telenkabupaten District Public Administration,, 2(3), 1522-15 32.
Nurdin, BT, & Triyono, A. (2018). Construction of E-KTP Corruption News Ganjar Pranowo in Tribunnews Online Media. Com and Detiknews. Com Period January - February 2018. Muhammadiyah Surakarta university.
Widiastuti, I. (2018). E-KTP Service Policy in the City of Bandung. Public Inspiration, 3(1), 17–26.